Editor : Nadeem Hasnain

The Idea of Aligarh Muslim University: Sir Sayyid Ahmad Khan’s Vision of a University and BeyondAbdulrahim P. Vijapur Page 1 – 17 PDF Download

A Reflection on the Culture and Tradition of Islam on Art and Architecture Bilal Ahmad Kutty Page 18 – 29 PDF Download

Khawaja and Sufism: Representing Islam in the Time of Disruptions Md. Sohel Mondal Page 30 – 39 PDF Download

‘Othering’, Marginalization of Muslim Minority and Majoritarianism : New Face of Indian Democracy Nadeem Hasnain Page 40 – 42 PDF Download


Issues/Discussion Forum

Indian Muslims for Secular Democracy(IMSD) strongly condemns the repressive Iranian regime, questions the hypocrisy of the Muslim clergy in IndiaIMSD Page 43 PDF Download

Is Secularism Incompatible with Islam and Vice VersaM Adil Khan Page 44 – 47 PDF Download

Supreme Court Ruling on Maintenance After Divorce Calls the Bluff of Muslim Clergy, Hindutva ActivistsRanjit Bhushan Page 48 – 49 PDF Download


Some Recent Publications on Islam/Muslims

Some Recent Publications on Islam/Muslims Page 50 – 53 PDF Download