Editor : Nadeem Hasnain

About this Number

Akbar Ahmeds’ “Journey into lslam”:Brookings Institutes’ Project
A Young American in the Muslim World – Hattey Woidt
Our Journey into the Islamic World – Frankie Martin & Hailey Woldt
The Challenge of the Moderates – Jonathan Hayden
Sharing a Universal Message with Very Different Audiences – Frankie Martin
A Journey to Understanding:Reflections from Indonesia – Amineh Ahmed Hoti
Journey into Jnited Kingdom – Frankie Martin
Journey into lslam:The Crisis of Globalization Launched – Craig Considine
Journey into Islam Reviewed – Tamara Sonn & Tony Blankley
Wesl Must Stop Looking at Islam through the Lens of Terror – Anthea Lipsett
Labour of Love – Karamatullah K.Ghori
A Subtler Take on the Clash of Civilization – Huw Richards
Islam in Today’s World (A conversation with Akbar Ahmed) – Gustaf Houtman/Anthropology Today
Five Years after 9/11 /Dialogue* with Islam Cause for Hope (Question/Answer with Akbar Ahmed) – Mark O’Keefe
Across the Greal Divide – Paula Span
Foreword to Akbar Ahmeds’ Resistance and Control in Pakistan – Francis Robinson
Foreword to Akbar Ahmeds’ Discovering Islam – Lawrence Rosen
On Twc Views of the Swat Pushtun – Louis Dupree, Frederick Barth, C.J.Carpenter, Joyce Pettigrew, Mark Slobin, Bahramm Tavakolian
The Pukhtun Deromanticised – Louis Dupree
Posl Modernist Perceptions Df lslam:Observing the Observer – Akbar Ahmed
The Trial of Dara Shikoh; A Play in Three Acts – Akbar Ahmed
Bibliography of Included Work BooksPlays and Articles – Akbar Ahmed

Holy Peace or Holy WarTolerance and Coexistence In the Islamic Juridical Tradition – Liyakat Takim


Secular Women’s Activism n Contemporary Egypt
Jihad Against Terrorism
Islamic Renaissance Now
Islamic Finance has Much to Learn from the West
The Zero Percent Solution
New Technologies and Women from Arab Countries: a Forest of Concepts, a Complex Reality
Vemen; Gender Gap in Education Among the Highest in the World Iran: Ayatollah Khameini tells Women not tc Play with Islamic Law’ Malaysia: Know your Reproductive Rights. Malaysians Tolc


Communal Unity and Indian Freedom Struggle
Economic Bonds: India and Iran


Studies in History of Russian Military Oriental Studies by MX. Baskhanov – Michael Kemper
The Foundations of the Composite Cultures in India by Malik Mohammad – Shibani Roy
The Red Thread Healing Possession at a Muslim Shrine in North Indiaby Beatrix Pfleiberer – Shibani Roy


Women Living under Muslim Laws
Al-Makhtoun Institute